Thursday, March 1, 2012

First Day of Work [sort of]

I got a job this past Monday through a family friend, Paul Welch.

Paul's an English Setter, old friend of my dad's. They used to go out adventuring back before I was born. Mom was telling me on Sunday night over dinner that dad would disappear for a whole weekend sometimes to go out tromping with Paul. She never really worried, I guess. Said my dad always gave her a kiss goodbye, and a kiss hello when he returned. Plus, Paul would always have to work on Monday morning, so they'd have to make sure they were back by Sunday night, anyway.

Paul works for Burlington's United Trash Collecting Union (UTCU), going around Monday thru Friday, collecting trash bags from sites around town where animals dump their trash made at home.

Thank god it is snowing like crazy outside- Paul called this morning to tell me work is cancelled for today.

He called the house at 5:30am. Almost woke up mom (who's doing a bit better these days, at least), but I was already awake to catch his call.

Stayed up almost the whole night holding down my dinner.

Can I do this? A job outside my house?

God damn. I am getting the shivers all over thinking about it.




  1. I'm not sure as to what snow is, but I can understand your relief in not wanting to leave the house. Sometimes I wish I would never have to go outside my walls again, just stay inside and pretend that nothing else was out there. There is a lot of waste around here too. It would be nice if someone could give out employment to collect it all. Usually children just pick through it and see if there is anything useful- typically there is not. (why would anything throw out anything useful.) Certainly you live in a world that has good trash, useful trash, trash bags you can get paid to collect! Best of luck, stay strong.

  2. Kevin, thats great that you got a job. Although I'm it's not so great that it's picking up trash. That is extremely risky, especially in a cold climate where you are already prone to getting sick. I hope that you bundle up and wear lots of layers, also hope that you keep some purrell near by and wash your hands frequently. I would actually just suggest that you buy some rubber gloves, you can get them at any supermarket or pharmacy. That would definitely be a good investment for your field.

  3. Kevin,

    Congrats on the job! I bet you can do it, and that it will go well. Lillian has some good advice with the rubber gloves and purrell. I look forward to hearing more about the job.

    Your friend Paul sounds like a great guy. I'm very fond of English Setter's. My family had two, and they were great dogs. Joanie and Jack. I keep a great portrait of them with my parents above my sofa in the living room.
